OUR Locations

ChildRoots has three early learning centers located throughout Portland, Oregon. Offering premier preschool, day care, and child care services, ChildRoots has locations in northeast, northwest, and southeast Portland for infants, wobblers, toddlers, and preschoolers.

Each ChildRoots childcare has a network of primary care providers and support staff to ensure that every child receives exceptional care. Each location’s support staff consist of directors, assistant directors, chefs, and more whose missions is to reinforce ChildRoots’ core philosophy and help build a sense of community. With child-led classrooms, curricula are developed collaboratively with the cohort’s interests to promote experiential learning. Children are served freshly-cooked, organic, vegetarian lunches and snacks and sleep according to their natural cycles.

Focused on dynamically engaging and stimulating children while promoting emotional wellness, ChildRoots is accepting applications for all locations. Learn more about our locations by clicking the links below. Watch a video of all three of our learning centers here.

Fremont Center

The ChildRoots Fremont Center is located in Northeast Portland and has four classrooms and cohorts for preschoolers.

Northwest Center

The ChildRoots Northwest Center on Flanders St. has nine classrooms and cohorts for infants, wobblers, toddlers, and preschoolers.

Southeast Center

The ChildRoots Southeast Center on SE 17th Ave has ten classrooms and cohorts for infants, toddlers, wobblers, and preschoolers.